Day: June 16, 2024

aluminium extrusion

How to Cut Aluminium Extrusions:method and tools

What is aluminum extrusions? Aluminum extrusion is a processed aluminum technology used to make aluminum alloys into specific shapes for different applications. It works by heating aluminum until it becomes soft and then pushing it into specially shaped openings in a die, which determines the final shape of the extruded aluminum profile. This processing method…

aluminum slatwall panel

Is the Aluminum slatwall panel durable?

Aluminum slatwall panels are very durable. Its normal service life can be more than 15 years. As long as you pay attention to daily maintenance, it will last even longer. So why can it last so long? It is because it has these characteristics below: 1. High strength and hardness: Aluminum slatwall is made of…

6060 aluminum extrusion

how strong is aluminium extrusion 5050

The 5050 aluminium extrusion is very strong. It is strong enough to cope with most framing requirements and building supports. This is why it can be used as a building material and as a frame for performance stages. Why is it so strong? This is because it has these following characteristics: 1. Material composition: 5050…